The school's seen a GREAT improvement in the results: 68.8% As, 30% Bs and 1.2%Cs. I was at the back of the hall with emeline & emily while they were going through the stats (our principal showed videos as usual, it was football this time) cause I needed to pass something to a teacher after that.
Starting on PI 10 minutes later. Anyway....
I didn't know the opening date was 9th april (today) until I walked past it and saw LOADS of people there. Man, they have the greatest shops there! Since I've bought so much stuff in hongkong, I'll limit myself to some bangles and maybe dresses. Not like I have all the time in the world to shop till I drop anyway.
Well, even though I don't stay near the school, I STAY RIGHT OPPOSITE TAMPINES 1, TAMPINES MALL & CENTURY SQUARE!! Are you guys jealous?? (this is for self comfort)
Bumped into Kaiying & Jiaying who were giving out some flyers for a barefoot walk event! Ngikhiong, Rayseen, Leona and friends were also at Tampines mall when I went there to renew my phone plan (but didn't in the end, cause my C905 in copper gold was out of stock)
Ohyeah, I GOT INTO THE SRGCE INTERVIEW ROUND FOR JAPAN! I seriously don't know how I did for the interview yesterday, all I'm hoping for is the best.. Think they're only bringing around 20 +out of the 39 selected for interview so...yeah. Wish me luck! :X
I can't stop laughing at myself (LOOK AT THE GOGGLE MARKS PLEASE), Willy simpson had to shut me up while watching the video during CT period cause....its just so freaking hilarious D:
They used my primary 6 photo for the previous one, WHY ON EARTH DID THEY USE MY PRIMARY 2 PHOTO IN MY JC EZLINK?
Geetha's one was worse though, the picture on her ezlink wasn't hers LOL! Nadia got the class to gather round some tables and asked "CAN YOU GUESS WHO THIS IS???" while covering her name up HAHA.
now THIS is me in...primary 6. (I look alot like my dad don't I?)
Bekloo brought her macbook to school today so we goofed around in the library (infinity room) :
k enjoy :D

(act) emo me.

me kissing me :D

Rabiah & geetha have murderous looks on their faces! O:

ROFL @ atiqah!!!

YAY! :D (1A07 loves the infinity room)

another one! ^_^

O: (I should stop abusing this smiley!)

Life's a hell of a roller coaster ride! D:

bekloo, annisaa, syairah and HALF of me!!

four of us being retarded HAHAHA

I look...hmm...we really look like a couple HAHAH!!!

MIRROR IMAGE YO! (it turned bekloo into....into a idk what)

ashiqin syairah nadia bekloo me! (omg we all have distorted faces)

LOL (yes I know I keep using lol) AT BEKLOO SRSLY!!

annisaa has a really TALLLLL head!!!



oops I spoiled the picture :P

macho people!

:P O: :) :P :3
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